July 24, 2024

New Patriotic Party (NPP) Director of Communication, Richard Ahiagbah, has lambasted Steve Hanke, an American professor of Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University over his critique of the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo-led administration.

His concerns come in the wake of Hanke’s persistent criticism of the NPP government on platforms like X formerly known as Twitter.

Ahiagbah tweeted a response to Hanke’s recent post, accusing Hanke of lacking credibility and insinuating that his motivations are financial rather than out of genuine concern for Ghana.

Ahiagbah remarked, “Steve Hanke will do anything, including peddling falsehoods, to make a living. It is not as if Steve, you care about Ghana; you are merely promoting this falsehood by opposition elements in Ghana for money. Steve Hanke lacks all credibility…”

Professor Steve Hanke has been a vocal critic of the NPP government on social media, frequently using Twitter as a platform to express his views.

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