July 27, 2024

The choice of who should partner the National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer, John Dramani Mahama, as his running mate for 2024 general election is gathering momentum by the day, within the rank and file of the opposition party.

The latest is that, some Constituency chairmen, Regional Youth Organizers, and Parliamentary candidates of The Party, have embarked on a walk to galvanize support for the selection of former Chief of Staff, Julius Debrah, as running mate in the crucial election being described as a do or die contest, having suffered two defeats in a row.

So far the names of Nana Jane Opoku Agyemang, an accomplished academic and former Minister of Education, contrasts with Julius Debrah, an entrepreneur-turned-politician with experience in various sectors are making the rounds. The two are from Central and Eastern regions, respectively.

The solidarity walk, which started from Ayi Mensah Tollbooth to Peduase Lodge, had hundreds of members and grassroot supporters of the NDC participating. They concurred that Julius Debrah, who had enjoyed an excellent relationship with Mr Mahama, including serving as his Chief of Staff, must be considered for the position.

Addressing the media to climax the walk at Peduase Lodge, the New Juaben South Constituency Chairman for the NDC, Selassie Amuzu, who spoke on behalf of the constituency chairmen, averred that Julius Debrah is the right candidate to partner John Mahama to wrestle power from the NPP in 2024.

He said, Julius Debrah is a successful businessman and politician, who has risen through the ranks in his political career and became regional chairman, minister, and chief of staff, therefore with such experience coupled with his competence and youthfulness, he is the perfect person to be considered for the position.

He said nonetheless, the constituency chairmen are ready to work with anyone appointed as running mate to ensure the party secures victory.

The Ashanti Regional Youth Organizer for the NDC, Osman Abdullah Nabali, flanked by Bono Regional Youth Organizer observed that, the ruling New Patriotic Party, will obviously elect Vice President Dr Mahamudu Bawumia as flagbearer which may affect the NDC votes in the Northern sector, therefore the NDC also needs a formidable running mate from the southern sector to maximize votes, particularly among the youth.

Thus, he believes Julius Debrah is the right person.

“The reason some of us came all the way from Bono and Ashanti regions to come and support and show solidarity is that we are here to plead with our president John Dramani Mahama when choosing the running mate consider our father our boss Julius Debrah.

He has served even John Dramani Mahama beyond reasonable doubt and we know choosing him as running mate, will help canvass more votes, especially from the youth. Currently if we want to win an election you need the youth to support you and that man is somebody who can work with the youth, come down work with the grassroot and canvass for the party.”

He continued that “now that it is obvious that the NPP will be choosing Bawumia as their Presidential candidate, it is obvious that they will be two from the north and they will be campaigning in the north. So it will be something that John Dramani Mahama focus will be at the North. If that will be the case then it means we need somebody who can also work in Southern sector and the middle belt to make sure he canvass more votes for the party in coming 2024 elections”.

Convener of Friends of Julius Debrah, who organized the solidarity walk, Richard Nyarko Etornam, said Julius Debrah, has the full support of NDC youth to become running mate, because he represents the aspirations of the youth.

He stressed the youth of the party, will be very energized if Julius Debrah is considered and given the opportunity to become running mate.

Mr Debrah possesses a formidable combination of entrepreneurial acumen and political experience that echoes qualities of formidable pairing for the ticket.

Hailing from Suhum and representing Obomeng Kwahu in the Eastern Region of Ghana, Mr Debrah’s journey towards political prominence, has been characterized by a diverse and accomplished background.

Before diving into the political arena, Debrah made waves as an entrepreneur, skilfully establishing and developing successful businesses across various sectors such as tourism, hospitality, banking, construction, real estate, media and more.

His entrepreneurial endeavors, have not only created numerous job opportunities, but have also contributed to stimulating economic growth.

Debrah’s entry into politics, saw him rise through the ranks of the NDC, holding key positions such as Propaganda Secretary and Regional Chairman for the NDC in the Eastern Region. These roles allowed him to gain valuable insights into the inner workings of the party and equipped him with the necessary skills to navigate the political landscape effectively.

His tenure as the Chief of Staff to President Mahama, further solidified Debrah’s political stature much as his previous positions held as the local government minister and Minister for two different regions respectively.

In this vital role, he exhibited remarkable leadership and pragmatism, leaving no doubt about his versatility.

His appointment as the Chief of staff was crucial, as it came at a time relationship between the party leadership and the executives had gone frosty and the party was at a brink of implosion. Debrah’s admirers tout the tenacity and furnace with which he turned around the situation to restore hope in the party.

Debrah’s practical solutions to complex issues, most notably his successful implementation of the Street Naming Exercise and National Sanitation Exercises, highlight his ‘people skill’ and ability to tackle societal challenges head-on, while understanding the nuanced factors at play.

Not limited to his political achievements, Debrah’s academic pursuits speak volumes about his intellectual depth. His studies in Archaeology, Sociology, Museums, and Heritage further exemplify his commitment to knowledge and his interest in preserving Ghana’s rich history and cultural heritage.

His optimism is contagious, and it is clear that he possesses the leadership qualities that could boost Mahama’s effort.

His enterprising spirit, political experience, and practical approach to problem-solving, position him as a formidable candidate and a force to be reckoned with.

While, Nana Jane Opoku Agyemang, brings a wealth of academic knowledge and experience in education policy, Julius Debrah’s entrepreneurial background and practical problem-solving skills offer a different perspective.

Both candidates possess unique strengths that could contribute to John Mahama’s team, offering voters a choice, between expertise in academia and diverse entrepreneurial prowess.

Ultimately, the decision of who will become John Mahama’s running mate for the 2024 election, will depend on various factors, including the campaign’s goals, the desired skill set, and the pairing that resonates most with Ghanaian voters.


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