October 5, 2024

The Nima District Police Command arrested a young man, identified as Hassan Avorgah, 24, on March 17, 2024, on charges of deceiving a public officer, impersonation, and possession of police accoutrements without lawful authority for posing as a policeman.

Mr Hassan had arrested someone and sent the person to the Holy Garden Police Station for detention but he raised suspicion when he was unable to provide accurate details of himself as a police officer also leading to his arrest.

Mr Avorgah was dressed in a police camouflage uniform and had some police accoutrements – a pair of handcuffs, a taser, a pouch and two phones – in his possession.

When the police accompanied him to his house at Berlin Bridge in Nima and conducted a search, security belts, a pair of black police uniforms, a black round hat, a blue-black cardigan and a picture frame belonging to him were found.

Mr Avorgah is being processed for court.

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