October 18, 2024
Hon Charity Gadner, NDC Ahafo regional Women Organizer


28th May is considered a Menstrual Hygiene Day which is celebrated across the globe to ensure the eradication of myths and misconceptions about menstruation among women.

The Ahafo Regional NDC Women Wing in the quest to reduce the myths and menstrual intimidation the girl-child passed through during menstruation in school-going days has chosen to distribute Sanitary pads and offer comprehensive education to female school-going children within selected remote areas of the Ahafo region on how to use the sanitary pads.


Speaking in an interview with Hon Charity Gadner, the Ahafo regional Women Organizer on High Radio Breakfast Show dubbed High Morning Breeze, she indicated that it is very essential to consider the menstrual hygiene of the girl-child in remote areas because they sometimes find it difficult to get access to sanitary pads when they menstruate.


She noted that these young ones end up using outmoded materials in replace of sanitary pads which end up affecting them with other forms of ailments hence the decision of the Ahafo regional NDC Women wing as part of the celebration of the Menstrual hygiene day on the 28th May begin the free distribution of the sanitary pads and offer them free counseling and education on how to maintain personal hygiene during menstruation.

She cited menstruation as one reason that continues to widen the gender equality gap since the menstruated girl has to stay in the house for four to five days period before she returns to school because of a lack of sanitary pads and comprehensive education and so the education will propel them to school even in their menstruation to help breach the gender equality gap.

Hon. Charity Gardner added that NDC is known for their concern about the girl child that resulted in John Mahama’s administration commencing a similar project that ensured the distribution of sanitary pads to female students of the various senior High schools and so they are keen to ensure the continuation of the project to alleviate menstrual-related problems from the students indicating that this is piloting exercise and will do it massively when the NDC wins power in the next general elections.

She finally pleaded with our mothers to show greater concern for the menstrual issues of their female wards to keep them safe from being impregnated by men who may use the purchase of sanitary pads as a yardstick to have sexual intimacy with them.

She also cautioned the young men who use sanitary pads as a yardstick to have sexual affairs with the girl-children to put a stop to that because it will cause them a lot when they get pregnant.


By: Kwaku Mensah Abrampa

See also  Today's Newspaper Frontpages (Monday, 27th May, 2024)

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