July 6, 2024

Former President John Dramani Mahama has descended heavily on President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for not setting any good example with his appointees after one of them was said to have kept millions of Dollars and thousands of Euros in hard currency at home.

Minister of Sanitation and Water Resources Cecilia Abena Dapaah is said to have kept $1 million, €300,000 and millions of undisclosed Ghana Cedis at home.

These monies were allegedly stolen by two house helps, for which they are standing trial at an Accra Circuit Court.

After this came to light, Mr Mahama took to his official Twitter page on Friday, July 21 to express disgust at such a move by a Minister of state.

He described it as “scandalous”.

Even if genuinely acquired, why keep millions of hard currency at home?” he wondered in his tweet.

But he took on the President over such a lapse in his administration.

Find the tweet below:



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