September 27, 2024

Parliament has written to the Office of the President asking for a specific date for the Human Sexual and Family Values Bill (anti LGBTQ+ Bill) to be transmitted for presidential assent.

This follows Nana Bediatuo Asante, the secretary to President Akufo-Addo, telling Parliament via a letter on March 18, 2024 to desist from presenting the bill to the President.

According to the President’s Secretary, this was due to a pending case before the Supreme Court on matters relating to the Bill.

In a letter dated April 10, 2024, Clerk to Parliament Cyril K. O. Nsiah acknowledged the President’s office’s request to halt the bill’s advancement.

But, he requested the office of the President to indicate a day parliament could present the bill to the President for his consideration.

“Accordingly, I await an indication in writing from your office on when to present the Human Sexual and Family Value Bill, 2024 to His Excellency the President for his consideration, pursuant to Article 106(7) of the Constitution, 1992” the letter said.


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