October 5, 2024

We always seem to project originality, but we keep on undermining our origin. The Ghanaian tongue is oriented to creamy iced flakes in hot afternoons, but how original are we keeping this recipe. Flanks have only one origin as Africans and that is Gari. Yes Gari! This is a product made out of cassava which led to all other flakes in the market now.
I know it’s complicated preparation abate your interest sometimes, but you can’t delude how you miss it’s signatory taste on your tongue as an African.

Mixing your Gari with the ground’s nut, milk powder, sugar, water, etc makes it a whole meal to prepare and this limits our interest in it because most times we prefer it as a fast lunch.
Did you ever thought this challenging Gari preparation could be solved? Did you ever though Gari could be bought in traffic and all what you would need to make it ready is water? If you ever did, then you guessed right.

I introduce you to the number one Gari brand in the market ‘Di’Gari Soaking. This is not your usual Gari but a refined one which is made ready to enjoy on the street, your office, vehicle, etc. It comes with your groundnuts, milk powder, brown sugar and your disposable spoon packaged in a hygienic sealed disposable container which serves as your cup for the meal.

Like I said, all you need to make your Di’Gari soakings ready is your chilled water. Wait!! Is not just about the appealing outlook but it’s outstanding taste. Di’Gari made me update my dietary table spontaneously. I quickly had to fix it in my lunch bracket 247 because there is no competitor. It is fast, smart, hygiene, nutritious and original.

Lets reflect on back in the days, but with a modern touch. Di’Gari is the brand of the moment and it is in to stay. We represent ingenuity when it comes to diet and that is the best way to go.

My Kumasi people! I know you are salivating already. You want to have a feel of our special Gari right, then you are sorted. We have our new depo at Kumasi Tafo and you can load it in boxes or in singles. You can contact us on the platforms below for any information and bulk purchases.




Contact,Wholesale: 0548857465,
Retail: 0248863301.
Kumasi – 0546232399
Official website:di-gari.com
Link to product: Amazon

Di’Gari Soakings: ingenuity in style.

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