October 18, 2024

Madam Felicia Tettey has been confirmed as the Sagnarigu Parliamentary Candidate of the New Patriotic Party for the 2024 general elections. The party held its delegates conference on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, to acclaim the businesswoman cum politician after she emerged as the only candidate to have successfully picked and filed her nominations at the close of the process last July.

The Sagnarigu Municipal Director of the Electoral Commission, Madam Fadila Mahama, conducted a voice vote and duly declared Mrs. Tettey as the elected Parliamentary Candidate in line with Article 50(3) of the 1992 constitution.

She subsequently took the oath of office administered by the NPP Deputy General, Mr. Haruna Mohammed, to formally become the parliamentary candidate of the party.

In her remarks, Madam Felicia who is staging a comeback after her impressive performance in the 2020 elections thanked the delegates of the party for reposing such confidence in her and seized the medium to call for unity within the rank and file of the party ahead of next year’s polls.

She urged the party faithful to remain steadfast and work hard to retain the NPP in power and win the Sagnarigu seat to make a history.

“Not everybody can benefit from the party at the same time but your hard work, dedication and loyalty would be rewarded in due course. The NPP does not forget its hardworking, persevering and loyal members.”

However, Madam Felicia added, “While your party is in government and you don’t have a Member of Parliament, it is tantamount to someone who is in the opposition. My reason is that, nobody will remember you because you don’t have an MP who would have lobbied for opportunities in the government for you to benefit for your hard work and service to the party”.

The Member of Parliament hopeful therefore admonish disgruntled members of the party who feel they haven’t gotten anything from the party not to be discouraged and stressed the need for them to rather continue to work for the party to retain power in order for everybody to benefit.

“…Those who think there’s no problem if the party goes into opposition; I want to tell you that there’s going to be a big problem if the party is in opposition. Opposition is not a good experience. Even if you’ve not had anything from the party but people will assist when you or any of your relatives is in critical need such as social events [wedding, naming ceremonies], medical issues among others” she asserted.

Meanwhile, Madam Felicia Tettey has become a household name in the local politics of the Sagnarigu constituency due to the numerous pro poor policy intervention programs and infrastructure projects she continues to execute in the area.

She has distributed hundreds of tailoring and hairdressing machines among other equipment to young women practicing the trade to support their socioeconomic development which is in line with the sustainable development goal 8.

The NPP MP hopeful has constructed a number of mechanized boreholes in some of the underserved communities to promote access to clean water.

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