International media organisation Al Jazeera says it will not apologise to President Akufo-Addo and the government for airing the Gold Mafia documentary.

Last week, the Presidency in a letter gave the international media outlet a 7-day ultimatum to apologise and retract the documentary, insisting that it contains spurious and unsubstantiated allegations.

“I am instructed by the President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, to demand formally that Al Jazeera Media Network (Al Jazeera”) retract immediately and apologise for airing an inaccurate and unfair documentary that contained spurious and unsubstantiated allegations against the President and the Government of Ghana,” the letter signed by Secretary to the President, Nana Bediatuo Asante said.

After receiving the letter, Al Jazeera replied to the presidency but with no intention of apologising for the airing of the documentary.

In an email interaction with Joy News, Al Jazeera said it won’t apologise since it did not allege what the President’s Office has stated.

Neither is it willing to retract the Gold Mafia documentary.

“We have responded to the letter from the president’s office, correcting some parts of its content and clarifying various points.

“Since the documentary did not actually allege what the president’s Office has suggested it did, we will not be apologising or removing it from publication,” excerpts of the Al Jazeera response said.