February 13, 2025

Traders in Kumasi Kejetia in the Ashanti region have questioned the New Patriotic Party (NPP) government commitment to the general development of the Ashanti region, the main pillar behind the party’s electoral victories.

The party’s sympathizers, who appear to be disappointed in the performance of the party in Ashanti in the area of development, are encouraging electorates in the region to vote against the party in the upcoming general elections if they failed to complete all stalled projects in the regions.

Addressing a news conference at the Kumasi Kejetia Market urged Ashanti residents to vote on issue and developmental projects not on tribal and party affiliations.

The new patriotic Party (NPP) is gradually losing its popularity in the Ashanti region ahead of what many described as crucial elections in 2024.

Currently the party is sharply divided before the election of flag bearer, parliamentary candidate and subsequent appointment of a running mate for the general elections.

Last week Monday 2nd October 2023 a group all 26 identifiable trader groups in the Kejetia, Race-Course and Central Market declared their support for Vice President Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia, projecting him as the credible candidate the party delegates should vote for to lead the party into elections 2024.

A week later another group from the same market has also accused the government for doing nothing significant to deserve re-election in the 2024 elections.

The accused the government which the vice President is deeply involved in day to day running of the Ghanaian economy.

Addressing a news conference in Kumasi the traders who associated themselves with the New Patriotic Party accused the ruling government of neglecting the Ashanti region which gave the party the majority of vote in elections 2016 and 2020 general elections.

The group at the press conference questioned the government commitment to the completion of the Kejetia project phase 2-3 which has ejected thousands of traders. Asarfo Kantanka spoke for the group.

Attached is the full statement by the Kejetia traders:

Good morning ladies and gentlemen of the press, kejetia/central market traders, Kumasi citizens, Asanteman. We called you here this morning to set records straight on lots of misinformation and misrepresentation of facts, realities of the current state of we traders and Asanteman at larger. In this day, it is very sad that that anyone will ever pontificate that a semblance of comfort is been experienced by we traders in Asanteman. Least we forget that any development in Asanteman either directly or in directly goes a long way to affect us traders and it therefore right we speak out at this critical moment of our lives when business is extremely terrible for us.
We will start by asking ever since the fire incident at kejetia here on 15th march 2023 after which the current Vice President was here to commensurate with the victims and made some pronouncement which of those pronouncements have been followed true to the later?
Has the government ever bordered to know how the victims are surviving till date?
Where is the government support the Vice President Bawumia promise the affect traders?
When will the traders be restored back to trading again?
Does the vice president really care about these affected traders?
To be a leader you must first service the people you want to lead.
These affected traders are still at the mercy of the government, let them do right by them

On the kejetia central market project it is very disheartening that ever since the phase one of the three phases of this project was completed with it accompanying problems till date not an undiluted attention has been paid to the other remaining two phases. When several months ago work on the phase two of the project was halted some government officials said it was just for holidays break. Here we are today several months down the line the purported holiday hasn’t come to an end. Now that reality caught up with us all we are been told due to covid19 and Russia Ukraine war that Ghanaian economy has been affected negatively hence going to IMF. May we please ask why other projects in other parts of Ghana not affected by the above mentioned conditions. Why are projects in Accra going on steadily yet those in Ashanti region have been halted.
Why are our representatives in government?
Why are the MPs numbering 47 from Ashanti region?
Do these officials feel our pain or for them they are so much ok and comfortable?
Are the MPs and government officials aware of the plight of traders who have been displaced because of the phase two project? Relocating to racecourse which is in a deplorable and terrible state. Not attractive to people to go and trade there as it should be. Lots of these traders have even lost their business capital and are pinned down at homes with various ailments.
If the phase two of the project can come to this abrupt stop what is the hope for the phase three of this project to see the light of day so as to bring relive to petty traders who find themselves at the mercy of the harsh weather and extortion from people.
Why is it that when if about Asante region major project this lackadaisical approach is attached to it?
We have been quiet for too long. Time to speak is now.
If all projects will come to a halt, then we will be convinced things are bad for government. But if it is pick and choose which projects get halted and almost all are in the Ashanti region then we believe there is a conspiracy against us in Ashanti region.
Almighty krofrom market visa vi the NPP government. The irony of this whole debacle of the krofrom market is nonsuiting. An NPP government start the krofrom market project, another NPP government comes 7years down the line nothing has been done about it. Does NPP government really care about issues concerning traders and by extension Asantemam. What at all is our crime committed against this government that this cruel posture of government will have to be directed towards us in the ashante region.
Is it not an irony also that a whole maternity block that will go a long way to improve our health system of the region has been halted to yet other hospital projects in other region are going on in earnest. Hmmm Asanteman has really been abandoned and it is time to speak truth to power. No more massaging of the truth.
Kumasi airport project

Now we hear there is a scramble for leadership role of the NPP for election 2024. We beg to ask these questions.
So for almost 7 years these two major hospital projects that were abandoned what was our crime?
Have the Government led by Nana Addo and Dr. Bawumia taken notice of the benefits of these hospitals have they been completed?
Those who might have died by virtue of the fact that they didn’t get adequate health care what would have been the story if these hospitals were in operation?
Is it not the public funds that were to be use to complete these projects?
Why abandon major health projects in Ashanti region yet start a new on and be on track in the eastern region and other regions?
So for all the hospital projects that have been halted in the region what is the position of MPs and governments official from the Ashanti region?
Why are they being quite on them?
Do they really feel the pain, suffering, frustrations and distress of the people of Ashanti region?
Disappoint on a large scale. Yet we see and hear some individuals galvanizing the support of Ashanti to push them back to the presidency. When you had the opportunity for two terms what did you do with it. Simply point your fingers to them.

  1. suame interchange
  2. Kwabre district roads
  3. Manso district roads
  4. Bosomefreho district roads
  5. Atwima kwawoma district roads
  6. For road projects the little said the better the pain we as traders and Asanteman feel on daily basis. we have been left to the mercy of very terrible roads. From suame interchange to abuakwa road down to kwabre roads connecting manso Nkwanta roads through to Bosomefrho roads then descending down to Atwima Kwawoma road. These are just but a few. Eeiiii are we not part of Ghana anymore? Do we have voices in government who should speak for us? Are these voice seeking their own parochial interest or they seek the interest of Asanteman at large? Let no one tell us ooo the project has been started. We have been neglected for far too long. We need personalities who can speak for Asanteman interest not personal interest or any other interest. That is what we seek.
    A very shameful game that the government of Ghana plays around this project. Years ago during the first NPP government the birth of this project was announced and started. It got halted and then another NPP government come to power. Two years ago government organizes a funfair pleads with our king to grace the occasion with the mantra that the continuation of the project is here. Hmmmm, after that day not even a hole or cutlass was used at the project site. You the press had to make it a discussing topic for a very long time before the government brought a contractor to site. Only God in heaven knows if this project will ever be completed.

It is very shocking and hurting that inspite of all the above money will be shared to some traders to induce them to meet the press a fortnight ago to throw support behind on candidate among the contenders in the NNP flagbearer ship race. We ask so there is money available after all. Let use the money at the right places.



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