October 5, 2024

The Member of Parliament for Afigya Kwabre North, Collins Adomako- Mensah has commended government for the announcement of 8 reliefs taxes in the 2024 budget and founds allocated for contractors across the country.

He said major projects in the country especially in the Ashanti Region will begin after approval of the found from parliament.

“The most interesting thing is that Government has made founds available for Kadjetia phase two, Airport phase two and for Okumfor Anokye Teaching Hospital so everybody should be rest assured that the above projects based on what the finance minister has said in the budget and when approved, government is in the position now to go back to pay contractors to go back to site. Again the suame interchange is financed Afriexim facility so the project is ongoing.”

On roads, “the government has intended to that next year it will not assign any new contracts so he’ll be able to concentrate on all ongoing projects”

See also  Newspaper Frontpages (Wednesday, December 13, 2023)

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