October 5, 2024

The John Mahama 24-Hour economy industrialisation drive is not a joke. It is the real game changer and the paramount solution to so many historical challenges of Ghana since independence.

Let me educate the unscrupulous characters who are naysaying and claiming JDM can’t do it.

The naysayers must know that, before the implementation of the policy, the next John Dramani Mahama government will first ensure the following is put in place to make the policy feasible and achievable:

1. A stable energy and power supply in the country: The industries will need a stable power supply to operate all day and night, and this will be the first factor our next government will put in place in ensuring the 24-HOUR economy policy becomes a reality, we will provide a stable energy and power supply to all existing factories and potential factories to run very effectively and efficiently, we have a record of fixing power crisis and yes we can do it better this time around.

2. A trusted and strengthened security system to safeguard employers, employees, and investors: Another very crucial and vital factor we will put in place is a well strengthen security system with integrity and much professional standards, security is a crucial indicator in an economy that boost investor confidence and also offer employers and employees safety assurance to freely operate, it includes financial security, safety against crimes and other forms of inhumane treatment, such as robbery, murder, stealing etc. When a well established security system is put in place to eradicate or mitigate these crimes, the Industrial Revolution under John Mahama will be the game changer without hindrance.

3. Proper evironmental protection legislations: another area of concern to ensure the 24-HOUR economy is to promulgate clear and strong laws to ensure the safety of our environment to make sure factory operators and all workers comply with the laws in other to promote industrial growth without environmental pollution and risk of health challenges in the environment, this is an SDG goal and it shall be respected and upheld in fidelity.

4. Proper employment and labor laws The 24-HOUR economy shall be possible under John Dramani Mahama as there will be very flexible and cogent employment and labor laws to increase production hours, wage rate, compensation, and other form of renumeration, to ensure both employers and employees are intrinsically and extrinsically motivated to deliver efficiently to build the Ghana we want.

5. Non politicization of anti corruption institutions and the justice systems in the country: The next Jon Dramani Mahama government will ensure the politicization of anti corruption institutions such as the OSP, CHRAJ, the courts and others will be a thing of the past, we will allow the systems operate and strictly apply rule of law in its work without any political interference, all issues that will arise between private individuals and the state, or among themselves or with foreigners or foreign organizations shall be handle with strict compliance to law and order, upholding the interest of Ghana as supreme.

6. Tax concessions to both smaller and bigger companies John Dramani Mahama has done it before and shall do it better this time by giving tax holidays to companies to be less stressed and produce more and extend their production barriers to enjoy economies of scale and be able to employ more people as a way of dealing with unemployment.

7. A shift from theoretical educational systems to a more vocational and productive based educational system: The next John Dramani Mahama government shall reduce the needless bureaucratic educational systems that is also contributing the over excruciating unemployment rate in the country, our educational content and curriculum shall be focused on technical, practical productive and vocational skills acquisition to be able to train people to meet the industrial demands of the factories and companies in the job market and even export some to the global market, this is the game changer to build the Ghana we want.

8. A well established central bank to be on top of issues: the central bank in the next government of John Mahama shall be well established with intelligent and experienced professionals who has integrity and the spirit of patriotism, the central bank in our government will manage our fiscal policies with excellence to ensure a strong, resilient and stable currency of value in the international market, the central bank will also re- established all the collapsed smaller banks in the country to operate under strict compliance to law and order, these banks will employ people and also offer loans to the companies that will be operating 24/7.

9. Minimization of importation and maximization of exportation The next John Mahama 24-HOUR economy will import less and export more, because all we need to survive in this country of which majority of it will be produced here in excess and export some, the industrial regime under John Mahama will see a Ghana that is feeding the global market and feeding itself as well, a Ghana that will sell more and buy lesser, this is the game changer the NDC is talking about.

10. Contemporary standardized governance: The next NDC central government will play a very critical and crucial supervisory role to ensure the 24-HOUR economy is in full operation yielding the result of the Ghana we want for ourselves and the unborn generation, this will not be a family and friends government, nor a government of phenomenal corrupt and weak minded people, this will be a very democratic government with all inclusiveness with very intelligent and highly disciplined people in-charge of affairs to build the Ghana we want.

Abraham Boafo

Oti Regional Deputy Secretary NDC

See also  Today's Newspaper Frontpages (Tuesday, 30th April, 2024)

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