October 18, 2024

Following the devastating impact of the Akosombo and Kpong Dams’ spillage, residents in Mepe in the North Tongu District of the Volta Region have been counting their losses and sharing their harrowing ordeals.

GhanaWeb’s team was on the grounds on Wednesday, October 18, to understand the situation which was rather dire for many residents and nearby communities who have now been cut off from access routes, electricity supply, water, food and shelter.

Particularly in Mepe, which is the hardest hit community in the region, some residents are taking shelter in a nearby school at St. Kizito Campus, and at Battor, a town close to Mepe.

Assemblyman for Mepe, Ahorsu ‘Borlor’ Amos, shared how his home was completely submerged by the floods. He recounted that the situation could have resulted in the loss of lives if the spillage exercise was carried out in the evening.

“I would have been dead by now if this spillage occurred in the evening because the shock alone would have been impactful on my life. My entire home and that of many others here is now submerged and all the items in the homes are destroyed by now,” he told GhanaWeb’s Mawuli Ahorlumegah.

Ahorsu and many others in Mepe who have been displaced want the government to expedite action on relief support to them although surrounding communities have received items and support from philanthropists, individuals and some government officials.

Watch a tour of the Mepe community after the Akosombo dam spillage:

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