October 18, 2024


Parliament on Tuesday approved the re-appointment of Ms Cynthia Naa-Koshie Lamptey as Deputy Special Prosecutor.

In May 2018, Ms Cynthia Naa-Koshie Lamptey was appointed Deputy Special Prosecutor for a five-year term pursuant to section 16(2) of the Office of the Special Prosecutor Act, 2017 (Act 959) and with prior approval of Parliament.

Her first 5-year appointment lapsed in May 2023.

Before her approval, the Deputy Majority Leader, Alexander Afenyo Markin, presented the report of the Appointments Committee which was done in camera and subsequently, moved for it to be adopted.

Moving the motion, Mr Afenyo Markin said the committee has no challenge with her, more so, when she had occupied that position in the past.

He said the Committee recommended to the House by consensus the approval of the nomination of Ms Lamptey for re-apportionment as Deputy Special Prosecutor.

The motion was seconded by the Member of Parliament for Okaikwei Central, Patrick Yaw Boamah.


The Committee’s report said it was satisfied with the responses of the nominee and having regard to the numerous contributions of the nominee towards the investigation and prosecution of cases before the Office of the Special Prosecutor, recommended to the House to adopt it’s report and by consensus, approve the re-nomination of Ms Lamptey as Deputy Special Prosecutor to the Office of the Special Prosecutor.


Commenting on the approval of Ms Lamptey, Haruna Iddrisu, MP for Tamale South said throughout the world, corruption was facilitated by three important variables – greed, opportunity and need.

He said corruption remained an integral part of Ghanaian public life of which the blame was placed on political office holders.

“It is as if, it is only ministers and MPs that are to blame because of our opportunity to supervise state resources that we can be associated with the conduct of bribery and corruption.

“Declaration of assets is an important ingredient to measure income against persons earnings and whether your earnings is commensurate to your income,” he said.

Mr Iddrisu said probably, Ghana must now review it’s legislation to criminalise unexplained worth and shifting the burden of proof to the accused person.

“A matter may be immoral but not necessarily unlawful or illegal. But where does the law itself derives it’s powers from,” he asked.

He said because of the high office that public officials occupy, when one engages in conducts that raise eye brows, it is incumbent on parliament to rise up to the occasion to review it’s criminal legislation and asset declaration regime in total.

“When officials indulge in unethical practice, the public confidence is waned,”he said.

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