October 18, 2024


There are about seven communities along the aforementioned road with three known markets.

The said road links Ghana to Togo with Gyentre being the immediate Togo community from Ghana.

The contribution of the community folks along this road is enormous, gargantuan and significant.

Folks from the said communities are agarians and mostly engage in crops such as cassava, maize, yam, coconut yam and millet etc.

Our contribution to the national buffer stock cannot be underated.

We equally contribute immerselly to the Internal generated fund of the Nkwanta South Municipal Assembly of the Oti Region but yet our communities have been sidlined in terms of getting our share of the national cake.

Our road is cutoff from the Municipal capital (Nkwanta) and nothing substantial is being done about it.

Our farm produce such as gari, yam, Cocoa and maize are left to rot.

The disheartening aspect of this is that, we rely solely on our farm products for survival.

It’s stipulated clearly in article 25 of the 1992 constition of the republic of Ghana that a person or group of persons shall not be discriminated against on the grounds on gender, race, colour, ethnic origin, religion, creed, social or economic status.

We are therefore calling on the Municipality Chief Executive to use part of the quarterly district assembly common fund to ensure the motorability of the road .

We are again calling on the Member of Parliament for Nkwanta South constituency to intensify his lobbying dexterity to ensure the said road is fixed. We again appeal to the M.P to perioritize the fixing of the catastrophic spot of the said road with his share of the district assembly common fund.

In addition, we are calling on the Oti Region minister to use his influence as the regional minister to lobby for the rehabilitation of the road.

We are also calling on minister for road and highways to directly come to our aid.

Finally, we are calling on NGOs, individual and other cooperative organization to assist us in this difficult time.

In conclusion, we are therefore stating without mincing words that, the district assembly common fund is for all of us, the MP’s share of the common fund is for all us, the budget for the ministry of roads and highways is for all of us and therefore this gross discrimination must be discontinued. This must not be allowed to fester anymore.

We also deserve better!!

Written by Gesuokon Akoto Bright Yaw(Gaby)

Resident (Keri)


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