October 5, 2024

My fellow Ghanaians, we are witnessing the death of the 4th Republic!

Last week, we learned that Prof. Frimpong-Boateng, the only Minister on the IMC on galamsey who spoke up against it was arrested and granted bail by the Office of the Special Prosecutor when he honoured their invitation to help with their investigation. Really?

Our children and pregnant mothers are drinking mercury-laced muddy water, our forests are being decimated,
Chinese galamseyers have invaded our rural communities, cocoa farms are being converted into galamsey pits,
Presidential staffers, Ministers, DCEs and party gurus are brazenly doing galamsey AND Frimpong Boateng has been arrested?

This reminds me of the story of the police officer who was stopped by a man frantically waving.

“Officer, Officer, the market is on fire! Can you help us get the fire service?”

The officer stopped and pondered for a minute.

“Well, Sir, you are under arrest,” he said, pulling out his handcuffs. When the incredulous man asked why he was under arrest, the officer said, “We need to make sure you didn’t start the fire. You are coming with me to the station.” As the officer handcuffed the man and pushed him into the back of the Police car, the man kept saying, ” But the market is still burning!”

Yesterday, on Newsfile, Mr Kissi Agyebeng, the Special Prosecutor, tried to help us make sense of the law. I must confess that he did not succeed with me. Of course, I may be one of those he had in mind when he said some people who had not been to law school think they know the law. I don’t know the law but I have common sense.

Even while disdaining the idea of “consecrated saints” in a veiled reference to Prof. Frimpong-Boateng, the Special Prosecutor referred to himself as “the conscience” and ” the spirit of the nation”. That was a bit grandiose for the man who was described by Hon. Kennedy Agyapong with words I am embarrassed to set down here after his defence of Anas in a case against the NPP Presidential aspirant.

The Special Prosecutor also asserted that he is immune to political pressure–but not to traditional pressure. That would be reassuring news to those who thought he had bowed to political pressure when he declined to prosecute a well-connected Presidential staffer while prosecuting others in the Northern Development Authority case earlier this year. The idea that he would not decline the summons of his Omanhene but can withstand pressure from the Flagstaff House would please those who believe him.

The notion that giving Prof. Frimpong-Boateng a self-recognisance bail would be undeserved special treatment really surprised me. 4 decades ago, when I was charged with subversion, conspiracy to commit subversion and concealment of subversion, by the much-maligned PNDC, I was granted bail on my own recognisance! And when I met the then IGP, Mr Omane alone, he apologized for all that I had been through. Even in those days of the revolution, some men of power showed decency and decorum.

And despite all the bluster, the man who set up the IMC and received regular reports of its work, President Akufo-Addo has not been questioned as far as we know. Why not?

We must not look at this case in isolation.

Let us also recall the Covid money that was squandered and the silence.

Think of the contract for Frontiers Health whose author could not be identified and the silence.

Think of the Woyome case and how the only Minister sacked was the one who complained, Martin Amidu.

Recall how Domelovo was unceremoniously sent on leave to save the Senior Minister and how the courts refused to pass judgment till the government had time to clean up the dirt.

Remember Kan Dapaah’s counsel to the courts on fairness.

As Micah 7:3 makes clear, “The powerful dictate what they desire, thus they pervert justice.”

This is how a criminal state functions. The powerful siphon resources into private hands and those who speak up are punished.

Has this President and this government PROTECTED the public purse or PILLAGED it?

MLK said, “We will remember not the voice of our enemies but the SILENCE of our friends.”

Let us speak up, not for Frimpong Boateng but for ACCOUNTABILITY and the rule of law.

May God bless you and save Ghana.


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