October 5, 2024

The Northern Region has witnessed the number of road crashes for the year 2023 decreased to 115 involving 207 vehicles compared to the previous year which recorded 189 crashes involving 343 vehicles, the Northern Regional Minister, Mr. Shani Alhassan Shaibu, has revealed.

Similarly, fatalities and injuries recorded last year reduced to 40 and 143 respectively compared to 68 fatalities and 366 injuries recorded in 2022.

The Minister however observed that there is an increased in the number of pedestrian knockdowns in the northern region.

Addressing Muslim congregants in Tamale during the 2024 Eid-ul Fitr celebration on April 10, Alhaji Shani reminded the populace about the importance of road safety whilst they celebrate with their love ones and family.

“Every year, precious lives are lost due to motor accidents, many of which could have been prevented. Reports from the National Road Safety Authority indicated that in 2022, there were 189 road crashes involving 343 vehicles, which resulted in 68 fatalities, 366 injuries, and 9 pedestrian knockdowns. However, the year 2023 saw a decrease in the number of road crashes, which was 115, with 207 vehicles involved. The fatalities and injuries also decreased to 40 and 143 respectively.”

On the other hand, the Regional Minister said there was a notable increase in pedestrian knockdowns which rose from 9 cases to 16 cases; a situation he lamented is a worrying development that needs our attention.

“Consequently, I urge each and every one of us to exercise caution on the roads, obey traffic regulations, and prioritize the safety of yourselves and others by wearing helmets and seat belt whiles riding and driving respectively. Let us celebrate this Eid-ul Fitr responsibly and ensure that we all get back home safely” he urged.

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The Minister who is also Chairman of the Regional Security Council (REGSEC) seized the address to implore the citizenry to remain vigilant and committed to ensuring the safety and security of the various communities.

He added, “We must stand together in solidarity against any form of extremism or violence that seeks to disrupt our peace and harmony. It is incumbent upon each one of us to be vigilant and proactive in safeguarding our surroundings. Let us report any suspicious activities to the authorities and cooperate with law enforcement agencies to maintain peace and security in our neighborhoods.”

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