October 6, 2024

This Easter, one question I’m asking myself is: If I was one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, which of them would I wish I was not? Surely, given what I know about the disciples from the Gospels, I sure wouldn’t wish to be Judas Iscariot!

But it is not what we wish that determines who we are; it is our attitudes and actions that define us. So let’s take a short trip into our attitudes and actions as Ghanaians that may reveal if we are a Judas or not.

Selling Jesus for money: When it comes to money and the Ghanaian, the least said about it the better. Judas sold Jesus for cash; how do some of us treat our fellow Ghanaians when it comes to acquiring wealth?

Some Ghanaians have reportedly sold babies at maternity wards and through human trafficking and fake adoptions. Moreover, another name for corruption, which is common in most Ghanaian languages, is depriving others of what belongs to them, which is like selling them.

Thievery: It is written: “As keeper of the money bag, Judas used to help himself to what was put into it.” As Ghanaians, can that be said of us, that we help ourselves to money that has been entrusted to us—at church, workplaces, homes and in the nation?

Kisses of deception

Kisses are meant to express love and friendship. When Judas kissed Jesus, the Lord called him “friend.” Judas was a friend, yet he led soldiers to arrest Jesus.

Don’t we often smile with those we hate? When we say, “Praise the Lord” at church and harbour division in our hearts, we are offering the kisses of deception, which is hypocrisy!

The betrayal: A stab in the back: When secrets are leaked, that is a betrayal of trust. How did the soldiers know that Jesus would be at the Garden of Gethsemane that night?  Judas leaked that vital information.

We are told that coup d’états succeed on the strength of such betrayals. When journalists say that they intercepted information for their reportage possibly, a traitor leaked the information.

In Ghana, spousal betrayal of extra-marital affairs abounds, likewise betrayal in politics when favouritism overrides fairness. How about betrayal at workplaces when promotions are denied or delayed?

Abandoning fellowship and backsliding: It is every church’s nightmare when members abandon the congregation and backside into the world. That’s what Judas did.

On a critical night when the Saviour declared how his heart was sorrowful even unto death, Judas abandoned him and mingled with unbelievers who hated Jesus. A popular term for this situation is “disloyalty”.

Some Ghanaians abandon church with myriads of excuses. “If your church is not helping you, leave your church,” unstable church-goers are told. Do you think church-goers who backslide think they are behaving like Judas Iscariot?


Judas often complained and murmured. When a loyal woman anointed Jesus with precious and expensive oil, Judas complained that it was a waste of resources.

We Ghanaians are in danger of incurring God’s wrath with our incessant complaining, the way the Israelites incurred God’s displeasure with their constant murmuring.

Despite all the blessings that God has endowed our nation with, we still complain and murmur as if God has done nothing for us. That is a “Judasic” attitude!

Complaining and murmuring are dangerous manners that weaken our relationship and walk with God. Instead, gratitude and praise must rise from our hearts to God for his goodness towards us.

Communion abuse

Although Judas harboured evil intentions, Jesus graciously allowed him to partake of the first Holy Communion. Instead of this drawing him to Christ, Judas still went and carried out his diabolic plans.

In Ghana, we take the Holy Communion at church regularly. What happens afterwards? Do we still go out and forget Christ’s suffering and sacrifices for us instead of remembrance of him?

Half-hearted repentance: When Judas realised the evil he did, he told the Jewish leaders, “I have betrayed innocent blood,” as if he was repentant.

But true repentance is to turn away from our evil deeds and return to God with a sincere heart. Judas didn’t go back to Jesus because his “repentance” was only half-hearted.

Half-hearted repentance, like fake repentance, is responsible for the lack of commitment to Christ leading to backsliding.

Suicidal tendency: Judas was cruelly remorseful and disappointed, so he hanged himself. Suicide is the result of extreme disillusionment, and it tells the sad story of hopelessness.

In Ghana, several suicide cases have been reported among the youth and adults. Whatever the troubling situation, suicide is never the way out. Instead, Jesus provides hope.  Hence, he invites all who are tired and heavy-laden to come to him for rest.

What do you think?  Do we still wish we were not Judas Iscariot, or do you think we already are?

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